I would like to enroll a minor in a course, is this possible?
Our courses are open to all. However, our adult training should not be mixed with a population that is too young. We place adult education at ages 15 and over. For minors (aged between 15 and 18), they must be accompanied by a person of full age. This person can accompany their child, stay during the course without taking an additional registration. If she attends the course, this person will have to make a reservation for her as well.
For young people under 15 years of age, specific trainingPopularCourse cancelled
Has your course been cancelled due to lack of participants? You must have received an email from us informing you of this. We are sorry that this happened but don't panic, you can immediately choose a new date for this course.
To explain how to do this, here is a description of how your personal space and the "My Courses" section work.
Access the "My Courses" section:
Follow this link when logged in: ➡️ My Courses
Navigate the drop down menu to "My Courses" as in the following imagPopularI would like to cancel or modify my registration
Several situations may arise. For example, you have chosen a course a long time in advance and are no longer available and you wish to change your course date. Or you have bought a course without a date and you want to finalise a booking.
To explain how to do this, here is a description of how your personal space and the "My Courses" section work. At the end of the article you will find a summary of the applicable conditions.
Go to the "My courses" section:
Follow thPopularI ordered a package without selecting any dates. How do I book my course dates?
If you have booked a pack of 4 workshops by choosing the option "choose my dates later" you just must visit your personal account in order to define the dates of the courses.
On our home page, click on the tab at the top right "log in". Enter your login and password and log in. Once logged in you are normally sent back to your personal space, which sums up your personal information and courses scheduled, pending or past. Also, your login/name is now displayed at the top right of the page.Some readersHow to use my discount code ?
If you received a discount code to participate in a workshop with THE PHOTO ACADEMY, here are the steps to book your class :
On the website https://thephotoacademy.com/, select your language and city:
ClickFew readersHow do I enroll in a course?
If you want to join a workshop with THE PHOTO ACADEMY, here are the steps to book your class :
On the website https://thephotoacademy.com/, select your language and city:
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